The Dawn of a New Horizon!

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Revision as of 12:54, 27 September 2023 by Spiffly (talk | contribs)
Changes.pngHorizon XI Herald

The Idea!

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Volume 1:
September 2023

...and suddenly it was born. It had never existed, it had always existed. It began as a flicker. It needed time for which time was plentiful. It was patient and it would wait. It flickered no more for it had taken shape.

The shape grew, reaching out tendrils. One became two, two became four, the tendrils would never take hold but had always taken hold. Time was on it's side and time it would use. Still it waited, still it grew...and in time, it was ready. It was an idea and it had taken root.

The idea was simple. Adventurers far and wide had welcomed the server vision. They had heralded the Horizon! Let us repay their commitment and thus, the Horizon Herald! We shall reach out with open arms and
welcome their vision in return. Let them leave their mark, forever etched
in server lore. Together we shall stand and discover what lies beyond the Horizon.

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Welcome to the Horizon Herald, Volume 1, "The Idea!". Revel in the offerings that our community presents in this issue:

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