Xlight's BST Burn Guide

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Welcome, my name is Xlight and I am a 75BST on HorizonXI and have mastered the dark skills of BST Burning. Do you want to get great xp and join the million other BST on Horizon? Well you have come to the right place then. This guide is to help you get from 1 to 75 BST on horizon faster than any other job, except maybe BRD.

Level 1-10

This part is pretty simple, grab an axe and kill level 1 mobs in starter zones until you hit level 10. The trick is when you hit level 4+ try to find a level 4 beast (bat, hare, etc.) and charm it to help you kill level 1 mobs faster.

Level 10-20

  • Ghelsba Outpost

This is a common area where you form an alliance and just murder everything for low xp but very fast. Usually around 6k/hxp.

  • Valkurm Dunes

Oh the dunes, noob capital of Vana'diel. If you are a masochist and love crappy xp and a lot of death then go here for around 2-6k/hxp.

  • La Theine Plateau HorizonXI specific changes

K-11 Worm Party where you "Range Tank". Range tanking is when someone with provoke goes within 17' and provokes and then runs out of range of 30'. Rinse and repeat every 30s until mob is dead. Healers keep mainly provoker alive.

Party Comp: 1 Healer + any job /war + 4 DD's

Pick DD's in this order in preference:
DRG > WAR > RNG > DRK > MNK > SAM. Avoid BST unless they voker and especially THF unless they voker.

Sync: 10-14. Exp: 10-15k/hxp

  • Solo BST

I heard rumors that BST can solo and charm mobs for xp. Honestly I believe it to be lies just like the female orgasm.

Level 20-23

  • Qufim Island

I consider this Dunes 2.0. Do this at your own risk! XP can vary from 4-12k/hxp

  • Korroloka Tunnel (15-18)

Similar to La Theine Plateua you perform a "Range Tank" pt. Will most likely need a WHM with silence. Only cons is sometimes people solo worms and some people are rude and wont leave worms alone.

Sync: 15-18. Exp: 10-15k/hxp

Level 23-30

This is when you can start the real juicy XP because BST now have the most OP ability in HorizonXI CALL BEAST!!!

  • Korroloka Tunnel (23-27)

Mobs: Greater Pugils (30-33) Link, Clipper (29-32)
Rank: A (10-12k/hxp)
Pets: NQ sheep > NQ crab > NQ hare
Party Comp: 1 Healer + 5 BST/NIN > BST/WHM > BST/THF

At level 23-24 just do Clippers
When you hit 25 you have SIC moves and just spam single target moves. You can also now add Greater Pugils to your route but be very careful, they link.

  • Meriphataud Mountain (23-27) D-10 or H-9 HorizonXI specific changes

Mobs: Puma Aggro Sight, Ridge Lizard, Dogs
Rank: S (12-15k/hxp)
Pets: NQ sheep only!
Party Comp: 1 Healer + 5 BST/NIN > BST/WHM > BST/THF

This is probably the first time you will taste BST burn and will never go back to being a SOLO BST!!! The bonus is there is 2 camps where you can exp too!

From 23-24 Just kill the Coeurls and the odd dogs (when they spawn at nite). Your healer will need to be fast on the paralyna mainly and use regen (if they have it) or throw cure 1 only and throw cure 2 in between fights. The party should be roaming. When you hit 25 add the Lizzads into the mix and spam your Lamb Chops from your Sheeps and watch the mobs melt.

Level 30-40

  • Yhoator Jungle (30-37)

Mobs: Goblin's Bee (38-40)
Rank: A+ (13-16k/hxp) Not an S because can be dangerous and possible deaths.
Pets: NQ sheep with a few Beta biscuits
Party Comp: 3x BST/NIN > BST/WHM > BST THF OR puller + 2x BST/NIN > BST/WHM > BST THF

This is a little different type of Burn which people usually call a PET BURN which was usually what BLM's did soloing or duoing. The key to this is that you will have a MAX of 3 people otherwise xp will drop substantially if you have 4 or more in a party. What you do is pull a pet (BEE) while the Goblin is looking away. If the pet paths in front of it's master than the Goblin will link and aggro, so it is best to pull when the Goblin finished moving. BE CAREFUL during water weather a Water Elemental Spawns at the pond and it will magic aggro your party if you cast mage spells (ninjitsu is not mage magic).

  • Crawler's Nest (32-38)

Mobs: Death Jacket (40-42) Link, Worker Crawler (40-44) Link, Maze Lizard (41-43) Link
Rank: C (8-12k/hxp)
Pets: NQ tigers with a few Beta Biscuits > NQ sheep
Party Comp: 1 Healer + 5 BST/NIN > BST/WHM > BST/THF

I personally do not like this camp that much but it is still decent. The only reason I do not like it is because a lot of normal pts xp here so you might be competing for mobs. The other problem is all your mobs you fight link so can be dangerous. Beyond that it aint that bad.

  • Yhoator Jungle (36-41) F/G-9

Mobs: Worker Crawlers (43-46) Link
Rank: B (9-12k/h) Not higher because possible Coeurl aggro or Crawler links
Pets: NQ tiger, NQ sheep, or if your name is Elon NQ Antlions
Party Comp: 1 Healer + 5 BST/NIN > BST/WHM > BST/THF

You can fight around Teleport-Yhoat Crystal or one of the tunnels around the crystal. It is not that bad but the links and especially the Sight aggro Coeurls can be annoying.

Level 40-50

  • Yhoator Jungle (39-45) F/G-9

Mobs: Worker Crawlers (43-46) Link, Master Coeurl (47-50) Aggro Sight
Rank: A (9-14k/h)
Pets: NQ tiger, 41+ NQ crab or if your name is Elon NQ Antlions
Party Comp: 1 Healer + 5 BST/NIN > BST/WHM > BST/THF

Go around in a circle and fight Coeurls first since they aggro and add some Crawlers in between. 41+ should just focus on Master Coeurls

  • Beaucedine Glacier (41-48) J-4 Out in front of Fei'yin HorizonXI specific changes

Mobs: Lynx (50-53) Aggro Sight
Rank: B+ (9-14k/h) Just a pain to get to
Pets: NQ crab or if your name is Elon NQ Antlions
Party Comp: 1 Healer + 5 BST/NIN > BST/WHM > BST/THF

Basically fighting roaming and fighting Lynx. Be careful that there are some roaming dolls that aggro magic.

Level 50-60

  • Bostaunieux Oubliette (50-52) F-8 Map 2

Mobs: Werebat (55-59) Aggro Sound Link, Hecatomb Hound (56-59) Aggro Sound LowHP
Rank: B (9-12k/h) Can get links and/or aggro which can overwelm you
Pets: HQ Sheep, HQ Tigers
Party Comp: 1 Healer + 5 BST/NIN > BST/WHM > BST/THF

Make sure you sneak before you drop down the gate. Can get links, aggro and the escape routes are far with plenty of mobs in the way. Also, only really one good camp although not many people come here and it is only decent xp for 2 level ranges 50 and 51. Be careful fighting Hounds since they put virus which can hurt your healer if not positioned properly

  • King Ranpere's Tomb (52-57)

Mobs: Tomb Worn (60-62) No Aggro No Link, Bats (???) Aggro Sound Link
Rank: A- (10-15k/h)
Pets: HQ Sheep, Hq Tigers
Party Comp: SMN + RDM + 4 BST/NIN, WHM + RDM + 4x BST/NIN but not ideal

This party requires a certain setup because you need a RDM or WHM to silence the worm while SMN hastega and whispering wind (aoe heal). The worms die very fast but can do some nasty aoe moves. Be very careful of the Quake or Stone4, fortunately they take a long time to cast so you can run out of range. Most Ideal camp is upper floor of Vrtra map in center.

  • Western Altepa Desert (52-62) E/F-11 HorizonXI specific changes

Mobs: Dhamel (???) No Aggro Link
Rank: A+ (8-18k/h)
Pets: HQ Sheep ONRY
Party Comp: Healer (any job can /whm with enough MP) + 5x BST/NIN ONLY

This is one of my favorite camp because at 55 BST have rampage and the damage output increases a lot. There is 2 parts to this camp, the east (F-11) has 4 dhamels while the western (E-11) part has 7 dhamels. At 52-54 can be brutal and slow 8-10k/h but doable, just expect to lose quite a few jugs so it can get expensive. When you hit 55 it is time where you might need to roam west to east to maintain chains, the healer is there to help pull those far chains. You will get around 10-14k/h from 55-57. From 57-62 you can get 14-18k/h if your puller can help pull consistantly and heal while well geared BST do massive DMG.

Level 60-70

  • Uleguerand Range (60-62) I-10

Mobs: Nival Raptor (68-70) Sound Aggro No Link
Rank: B (10-14k/h)
Pets: HQ Sheep
Party Comp: WHM or RDM or SMN + 5x BST/NIN

This camp can only support 1 party and you fight within the ramp. Raptors don't have much TP but the pulls could be a bit far. Would be nice to change one of your BST as a BRD/NIN to buff and pull if you are lucky to get one.

  • Labryinth Of Onzozo (61-63) G-6 or I-6

Mobs: Torama (70-73) Sight Aggro No Link
Rank: B (10-14k/h)
Pets: HQ Sheep
Party Comp: WHM or RDM or SMN + 5x BST/NIN

This camp can be rough for healer in a NORMAL party since the Toroma spams a lot of silence or paralyze. Fortunately with BST burns you don't have to worry much about silence/paralyze so it is a good camp for BST's, only problem is one of the BST needs to pull (highly suggest bring tons of peebles). Could sub one of the BST/NIN with a BRD. Another bonus about this camp is that killing certain Torama's will have a chance to pop OSE which can be killed by a BST burn party even at 60. Ose drops an Assault Jerkin which is very nice for a BST.