
From HorizonXI Wiki
Revision as of 14:03, 2 November 2023 by Starfox9507 (talk | contribs)

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// Javascript below contributes to live Vana'diel Time listed in Sidebar
// All code taken from: 
	basisDate = new Date();
	basisDate.setUTCFullYear(2002, 5, 23); // Set date to 2003-06-23
	basisDate.setUTCHours(15, 0, 0, 0);    // Set time to 15:00:00.0000
	Mndate = new Date();
	Mndate.setUTCFullYear(2004, 0, 25); // Set date to 2004-01-25
	Mndate.setUTCHours(2, 31, 12, 0);    // Set time to 02:31:12.0000
	msGameDay	= (24 * 60 * 60 * 1000 / 25); // milliseconds in a game day
	msRealDay	= (24 * 60 * 60 * 1000); // milliseconds in a real day
	VanaDay = new Array("Firesday", "Earthsday", "Watersday", "Windsday", "Iceday", "Lightningday", "Lightsday", "Darksday");
	DayColor = new Array("#DD000", "#AAAA00", "#0000DD", "#00AA22", "#7799FF", "#AA00AA", "#AAAAAA", "#333333"); 
	PhaseName = new Array("Full Moon","Waning Gibbous","Last Quarter","Waning Crescent","New Moon","Waxing Crescent","First Quarter","Waxing Gibbous");
	function resetGameTime() { 
		// **** Game time
		var now = new Date();
		vanaDate =  ((898 * 360 + 30) * msRealDay) + (now.getTime() - basisDate.getTime()) * 25;

		vYear = Math.floor(vanaDate / (360 * msRealDay));
		vMon  = Math.floor((vanaDate % (360 * msRealDay)) / (30 * msRealDay)) + 1;
		vDate = Math.floor((vanaDate % (30 * msRealDay)) / (msRealDay)) + 1;
		vHour = Math.floor((vanaDate % (msRealDay)) / (60 * 60 * 1000));
		vMin  = Math.floor((vanaDate % (60 * 60 * 1000)) / (60 * 1000));
		vSec  = Math.floor((vanaDate % (60 * 1000)) / 1000);
		vDay  = Math.floor((vanaDate % (8 * msRealDay)) / (msRealDay));

		if (vYear < 1000) { VanaYear = "0" + vYear; } else { VanaYear = vYear; }
		if (vMon  < 10)   { VanaMon  = "0" + vMon; }  else { VanaMon  = vMon; }
		if (vDate < 10)   { VanaDate = "0" + vDate; } else { VanaDate = vDate; }
		if (vHour < 10)   { VanaHour = "0" + vHour; } else { VanaHour = vHour; }
		if (vMin  < 10)   { VanaMin  = "0" + vMin; }  else { VanaMin  = vMin; }
		if (vSec  < 10)   { VanaSec  = "0" + vSec; }  else { VanaSec  = vSec; }
		// Moon phase
		var timenow = new Date();
	    var localTime = timenow.getTime();
	    var moonDays = (Math.floor((localTime - Mndate.getTime()) / msGameDay))  % 84;
	    var mnElapsedTime = (localTime - Mndate.getTime()) % msGameDay;
	    // determine phase percentage
         moonpercent = - Math.round((42 - moonDays) / 42 * 100);
         if (moonpercent <= -94)  {
            mnPhase = 0;
            optPhase = 4;
            toNextPhase = (3 - moonDays) * msGameDay - mnElapsedTime;
            toOptimalPhase = (38 - moonDays) * msGameDay - mnElapsedTime;

         }  else if (moonpercent >= 90)  {
	    mnPhase = 0;
            optPhase = 4;
            toNextPhase = (87 - moonDays) * msGameDay - mnElapsedTime;
            toOptimalPhase = (38 + 84 - moonDays) * msGameDay - mnElapsedTime;

         }  else if (moonpercent >= -93 && moonpercent <= -62)  {
	      mnPhase = 1;
            optPhase = 4;
            toNextPhase = (17 - moonDays) * msGameDay - mnElapsedTime;
            toOptimalPhase = (38 - moonDays) * msGameDay - mnElapsedTime;

         }  else if (moonpercent >= -61 && moonpercent <= -41)  {
	      mnPhase = 2;
            optPhase = 4;
            toNextPhase = (25 - moonDays) * msGameDay - mnElapsedTime;
            toOptimalPhase = (38 - moonDays) * msGameDay - mnElapsedTime;

         }  else if (moonpercent >= -40 && moonpercent <= -11)  {
	      mnPhase = 3;
            optPhase = 4;
            toNextPhase = (38 - moonDays) * msGameDay - mnElapsedTime;
            toOptimalPhase = (38 - moonDays) * msGameDay - mnElapsedTime;

         }  else if (moonpercent >= -10 && moonpercent <= 6)  {
	      mnPhase = 4;
            optPhase = 0;
            toNextPhase = (45 - moonDays) * msGameDay - mnElapsedTime;
            toOptimalPhase = (80 - moonDays) * msGameDay - mnElapsedTime;

         }  else if (moonpercent >= 7 && moonpercent <= 36)  {
	      mnPhase = 5;
            optPhase = 0;
            toNextPhase = (58 - moonDays) * msGameDay - mnElapsedTime;
            toOptimalPhase = (80 - moonDays) * msGameDay - mnElapsedTime;

         }  else if (moonpercent >= 37 && moonpercent <= 56)  {
	      mnPhase = 6;
            optPhase = 0;
            toNextPhase = (66 - moonDays) * msGameDay - mnElapsedTime;
            toOptimalPhase = (80 - moonDays) * msGameDay - mnElapsedTime;

         }  else if (moonpercent >= 57 && moonpercent <= 89)  {
	      mnPhase = 7;
            optPhase = 0;
            toNextPhase = (60 - moonDays) * msGameDay - mnElapsedTime;
            toOptimalPhase = (80 - moonDays) * msGameDay - mnElapsedTime;

         mnpercent = PhaseName[mnPhase] + " (" + Math.abs(moonpercent) + "%)";

         if (moonpercent <= 5 && moonpercent >= -10)  {
              mnpercent = "<FONT COLOR='#FF0000'>" + mnpercent+ "</FONT>";
         } else if (moonpercent >= 90 || moonpercent <= -95)  {
              mnpercent = "<FONT COLOR='#0000FF'>" + mnpercent+ "</FONT>";

	   //nextPhase = "Next phase (" + PhaseName[(mnPhase + 1) % 8] + "): " + formatCountdown(toNextPhase);
	   //nextOptPhase = "Next " + PhaseName[optPhase] + ": " + formatCountdown(toOptimalPhase);
		//draw to sidebare element
		VanaTime = "<div><li><b>" + VanaHour + ":" + VanaMin + "</b></li>"; 
		VanaTime +=	"<li><b><FONT COLOR=" + DayColor[vDay] + ">" + VanaDay[vDay] + " ~ " + mnpercent + "</FONT></b></li>"; 
		VanaTime += "<li><b>" + VanaYear + "-" + VanaMon + "-" + VanaDate + "</b></li></div>";

		document.getElementById("n-vanatime").innerHTML = VanaTime;
		const collection = document.getElementsByClassName("example");
		//console.log("here:" + collection);
		// 	if (collection.length != undefined) {
		// for (let i = 0; i < collection.length; i++) {
		// 	collection[i].textContent = VanaTime;
		// 	}
		setTimeout("resetGameTime()", 50);