This will be the main page for the Hardcore mode found on Horizon.
What is it
Hardcore mode[1] is a status which you can activate on a new character by speaking to one of the respective NPCs in the starting cities before gaining any levels on any job (see below).
If you die, your character will lose the hardcore status irrevocably and be just a normal character. To play hardcore again, you will have to create a new character.
As long as your hardcore status is active, you will obtain rewards upon reaching certain goals (e.g. certain level thresholds).
How to Activate the Mode
Speak to one of the NPC's in each of the starter cities. May only be activated on a character who hasn't gained any levels on any of their jobs.
- Franklin - Bastok Markets (G-9)
- Francine Tuft - Windurst Woods (H-11)
- Francois - Southern San d'Oria (G-10)
Server Messages
- When a hardcore player dies, the server receives a message that a hardcore player has fallen and their "survival time" is also displayed.
- A message is sent when a player achieves level 75 as a hardcore player. Needs verifying if this is all players or just the first to reach 75 on that particular job.
Rewards seem to be purely cosmetical from what was shown in the launch notes[1] (except the Warp Ring). It is yet unknown if there are hidden effects. It seems that you keep cosmetic rewards even if you lose hardcore status[1].
- Infiltrator for reaching level 18
- Hardcore Shirt for reaching level 30
- Hardcore Brayettes for reaching level 51
- Hardcore Boots for reaching level 56
- ??? for reaching level 61
- ??? for reaching level 66
- ??? for reaching level 71
- Warp Ring for reaching level 75. Lost if hardcore status is lost.
- ??? for reaching level 75 x2
- ??? for reaching level 75 x3
- ??? for reaching level 75 x5
- Tartarus Platemail for reaching level 75 x15 (all launch jobs)
Unknown Groupings
Hardcore Mask, Hardcore Harness - mid tier rewards
Laurel Crown - high tier reward
Pages in category "Hardcore"
The following 2 pages are in this category, out of 2 total.