Template:Mission Header

From HorizonXI Wiki
Revision as of 21:45, 4 October 2023 by Aramachus (talk | contribs) (added cheat sheet that is only visible during preview)

Example Usage

{{Mission Header
|Mission Name=Journey Abroad
|Start=Any San d'Oria Gate Guard
|Description=Visit the faraway nations of [[Bastok]] and [[Windurst]] and receive official recognition as an adventurer.
|Items Needed=
|Previous=San d'Oria Mission 2-2{{!}}The Davoi Report
|Next=San d'Oria Mission 3-1{{!}}Infiltrate Davoi
|Title=Black Dragon Slayer or Dark Dragon Slayer, Certified Adventurer
|Rewards=Rank 3<br>3,000 gil<br>10 Mog Wardrobe Space<br>[[Adventurer's Certificate]]
Journey Abroad
Series Missions
Starting NPC Any San d'Oria Gate Guard
Title Black Dragon Slayer or Dark Dragon Slayer, Certified Adventurer
Repeatable No
Description Visit the faraway nations of Bastok and Windurst and receive official recognition as an adventurer.
Rank 3
3,000 gil
10 Mog Wardrobe Space
Adventurer's Certificate
← Previous Mission Next Mission →
The Davoi Report Infiltrate Davoi


  • Mission Name (optional): Name of the mission. If not given, will take the page name.
  • Expansion (mandatory): The Series the mission belongs to. This is in most cases the expansion, except the three starting nations. The Expansion parameter is case insensitive and can use the following inputs:
    • san d'oria, sandoria or sandy will display as San d'Oria
    • bastok will display as Bastok
    • windurst will display as Windurst
    • rise of the zilart, zilart or rotz will all display as Rise of the Zilart.
    • chains of promathia, promathia or cop will all display as Chains of Promathia.
    • treasures of aht urhgan, aht urhgan or toau will all display as Treasures of Aht Urhgan.
    • wings of the goddess, wings or wotg will all display as Wings of the Goddess.
    • seekers of adoulin, seekers, adoulin or soa will all display as Seekers of Adoulin.
    • abyssea will display as Abyssea.
    • a crystalline prophecy or acp will display as A Crystalline Prophecy
    • kupo d'etat or kde will display as Kupo d'Etat.
    • a shantotto ascension or asa will display as A Shantotto Ascension.
    • rhapsodies of vanadiel, rhapsodies of vana'diel, rhapsodies or rov will display as Rhapsodies of Vana'diel.
    • the voracious resurgence or tvr will display as The Voracious Resurgence.
  • Start and Start Location (mandatory): Will display Information Needed if both are left blank.
    • Start refers to the NPC or Event that triggers the start of the mission. If the mission is triggered by entering an area, leave this field blank.
    • Start Location refers to the position of the NPC or the area triggering the mission. Use Template:Location as input.
  • Description (optional): Mission Description as displayed in the mission log. Row will vanish if left blank.
  • Level (optional): If there is a level requirement, specify it here. If nothing is given, the row will vanish.
  • Repeatable (optional): If yes, will display Yes. Otherwise will display No by default. Still, best practice is to fill this field in case of no to signal to editors, that its not unknown.
  • Title (optional): Title obtained from the mission. If nothing is given, the assumption is there is no title and will display None.
  • Requirements and Item Needed/Items Needed (optional): (Item Needed is supported because its the fallback for how the parameter was named in the past.) Items Needed refers to any item or key item needed for this mission. Requirements refers to anything that is not an item, like having access to an area, a certain job unlocked, .... The box vanishes if neither Requirements nor Items Needed exist.
Enter entries as links if possible like [[name]] and use <br> to separate multiple entries.
  • Reward/Rewards (optional): (Reward is supported because its the fallback for how the parameter was named in the past.) Rewards obtained by completing the mission.
Enter entries as links if possible like [[name]] and use <br> to separate multiple entries.
  • Previous and Next (optional): Refer to the name of the corresponding missions (case-sensitive).
If an alternate name must be specified for Previous/Next (that isn't the name of the article), use the {{!}} template as a pipe | separator.
Example: Name of mission is "The greatest mission ever" but corresponding wiki page is found at "Great_Mission" then you would use: Great_Mission{{!}}The greatest mission ever
  • Categories are automatically added accordingly with this template.