
From HorizonXI Wiki
Revision as of 14:06, 21 October 2023 by Starfox9507 (talk | contribs) (Created page with "==Description== This is an interactive FFXI map. This extension is designed specifically to work with the HorizonXI Wiki (https://horizonffxi.wiki/), and is built using the Leaflet library (https://leafletjs.com/). The project was started to give players a more intuitive FFXI map tool. Basic functionality includes displaying a zone map (ie: Upper Jeuno) in a custom sized window, zoom controls, and clickable links for all zone connections. Advanced functionality include...")
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This is an interactive FFXI map. This extension is designed specifically to work with the HorizonXI Wiki (https://horizonffxi.wiki/), and is built using the Leaflet library (https://leafletjs.com/).

The project was started to give players a more intuitive FFXI map tool. Basic functionality includes displaying a zone map (ie: Upper Jeuno) in a custom sized window, zoom controls, and clickable links for all zone connections. Advanced functionality includes displaying pulsating icons on the map for user defined things, for instance NPCs in a city or Treasure Coffers in a zone. The advanced functions work in a local testing environment and are currently being migrated to the Wiki for editors to evaluate.

The Basics

To have an interactive map displayed on a wiki page you would add

to the page. Every parameter added to the tag is "optional" and by omitting any particular parameter the extension will just apply a default value in it's place (see Parameters table below for details).

This is an example of a working tag with likely to be the most commonly used parameters for displaying a map:

In this example we have chosen to display the "Upper Jeuno" map, with a desired width and height and a particular zoom level.

  • For v1 of this extension, please always include the "mapID" parameter with a desired map number, and ensure it is not 0. MapID 0 is saved for "world map" features set to be released at a later date.

Advanced Features

This map was designed with the intent of giving wiki users/editors the ability to add things to the maps. To understand more about how to add these features to the maps, please see this page.

Known Issues

Hardly an "issue": after adding the <FFXIMap> tag to a page, and "saving changes", it is likely the map will not render properly. Refresh the page to fix.

Broken Map links (needs updating)

Metalworks: doesnt have a direct connection listed on the map, add a custom image overlay? Lower Delkfutt's Tower: Map 4: Add connections to Embassy links? Mhaura: Add Ferry? Selbina: Add Ferry? Kazham: Add Ferry? Delkfultts Tower: teleports can take you to more than one place... Middle Delkfutt's Tower: Map 2 - where does that go? [G-6] Pso'Xja: Map 20 - stone door and other exit? Upper Delkfutt's Tower: Map 3 - #5 connection? Upper Delkfutt's Tower: Map 4-6 - need connections All Crags need Al'Taieu added All Apollyon / Temenos zone maps Burning Circle connections purposefully left out Promys have no connections inside Ru'Aun Gardens - need to add layers that depict the teleporters Uleguard Range - underground connections not listed on map 1; need to adjust hover/pulse coordinates when graphics updated Inner Horu - add West Saruta[205] Yuhtunga Jungle - 3/4/5 into Ifrit's Cauldron? Not listed Ifrit Cauldron maps... Grand Palace of Hu'Xzoi - maps 1 and 2 - no connections The Shrine of Ru'Avitau: Map 1 - e & f are not connected Castle Oztroja: Map 4 - K connection broken ? probably linked to Map 4 incorrectly Crawlers Nest -> Rolanberry Fields... recheck connections 1 and 2, 2 is incorrect