
From HorizonXI Wiki

As of 11/28/2022 all content of this page is not accurate ! Server launches 12/17/2022, until then, content is speculation.

Abbreviation BST
Expansion Pack Final Fantasy XI
Quest Path of the Beastmaster

Job Traits & Abilities

? Wide Scan
? Vermin Killer
? Resist Slow
? Resist Amnesia
? Bird Killer
? Amorph Killer
? Tandem Strike
? Lizard Killer
? Tandem Blow
? Damage Limit+
? Aquan Killer
? Plantoid Killer
? Beast Killer
? Beast Affinity
? Beast Healer
Lvl. Name
? Familiar
? Charm
? Gauge
? Reward
? Call Beast
? Bestial Loyalty
? Tame
? Feral Howl
? Killer Instinct

Pet Commands

Lvl. Name
? Fight
? Heel
? Stay
? Sic
? Ready
? Leave
? Snarl

Combat Skills (subject to change)


Skill Rank 37 75
Axe A+ 114 269
Scythe B- 109 240
Dagger C+ 105 230
Club D 101 210
Sword E 94 200


Skill Rank 37 75
Evasion C 103 220
Parrying C 103 220
Shield E 94 200


Group 1

Name Description
Killer Effects Increase intimidation rate on all killer effects by 1 percent.
Reward Recast Shorten recast time by 3 seconds.
Call Beast Recast Shorten recast time by 10 seconds.
Sic Recast Shorten recast time for Sic and Ready by 2 seconds.
Tame Recast Shorten recast time by 20 seconds.

Group 2

Name Description
Feral Howl Terrorizes the target. Recast: 5min. Increase accuracy by 5 percent.
Killer Instinct Grants your pet's Killer effect to party members within area of effect. Party members will also deal increased damage and take less when fighting enemies of the corresponding monster family. Recast: 5min. Increase duration by 10 seconds.
Beast Affinity Increases the level of pets summoned with Call Beast. Increase pet level by 2.
Beast Healer Enhances the Regen effect of Reward. Increase Regen amount by 1.

Job Specific Equipment

Artifact Armor (subject to change)

Weapon 40 Barbaroi Axe DMG:32 Delay:288 STR+2, CHR+2
BST Artifact.png
Feet 52 Beast Gaiters DEF:10, HP+11, AGI+3

Enhances "Reward" effect


Hands 54 Beast Gloves DEF:12, HP+11, DEX+3

Parrying Skill+5, "Charm"+3

Head 56 Beast Helm DEF:22, HP+15, INT+5

Increases "Tame" success rate


Body 58 Beast Jackcoat DEF:44, HP+20, VIT+3

Enhances "Reward" effect


Legs 60 Beast Trousers DEF:30, HP+15, CHR+4

Enhances "Killer" effects


Relic Armor (subject to change)

Head 71 Monster Helm DEF:26 HP+19 CHR+4

Parrying Skill+3


BST Relic Armor.png
Body 72 Monster Jackcoat DEF:49 HP+21 INT+6

Enhances Reward effect


Legs 73 Monster Trousers DEF:34 HP+17 DEX+4

HP recovered while healing+3


Feet 74 Monster Gaiters DEF:14 HP+13 VIT+4

Enhances Reward effect


Hands 75 Monster Gloves DEF:15 HP+14 AGI+4

Enhances Call Beast effect
