Shining Ruby

From HorizonXI Wiki
Revision as of 11:34, 5 April 2024 by Redbaren (talk | contribs)

Avatar: Carbuncle

Blood Pact Type: Blood Pact: Ward

Element: Light

Level Obtained: 24

MP Cost: 44

Duration: 3 Minutes

Description: Gives party members within area of effect the effects of "Protect" and "Shell".

Additional Notes: Increases Defense by 10% and reduces magic damage by -4%.

  • Stacks with Protect and Shell.
  • Does not overwrite itself, must wear off before reapplying.
  • Count toward the cap of -50% Magic Damage Taken.
  • Avatar's TP does not affect this ability

Macro Syntax

  • /pet "Shining Ruby" <me>