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Bottle of Amrita


Bottle of amritaExclusive
A rare drink said to prevent aging.
Stackable: Not Stackable
Food Effects: (5 minutes, All Races)
5 HP per 3 seconds for a total of 500 HP
5 MP per 3 seconds for a total of 500 MP

Other Uses

Used in Quest: [[|]]
Resale Price: Cannot be sold to NPCs.

How to Obtain

Cannot be auctioned, traded, bazaared, or delivered on retail items could be delivered to a character on the same account. to a character on the same account. AH Black.png

Mog Garden



Abjuration Cursed Item
Libation Abjuration
Cursed Beverage

Historic Background

Amrita, also known as Amrit, is a cognate of ambrosia with a similar meaning. According to the Dharmic religions, it is the drink that grants gods their immortality. Amrita literally means "without death," which would correlate with the regen granted.

In the Hindu religion, when the gods lost their immortality, due to the sage Durvasa, they, with demonic aid, churned the sea to form Amrit. Upon regaining immortality they slew the demons.
In Sikhism, Amrit is a holy water used in baptism. It is mixed with sugar and other solubles and is stirred with a sword called a Khanda.
In Buddhist mythology, it is linked to the slaying of the beast Rahu by Vajrapani. The blood of Rahu is said to be the origin of many medicinal plants.