Bastok Mission 5-2

From HorizonXI Wiki
Xarcabard, Land of Truths
Series Bastok Missions
Starting NPC Any Bastok Gate Guard
Title Shadow Banisher
Repeatable No 
HAAP 2 points 
Description You must go to Castle Zvahl in Xarcabard. The President himself will brief you in his office.
Rank 6
Unlock Rise of the Zilart Missions
Unlock Dynamis
20,000 gil
Mog Wardrobe: 10 Slots
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Darkness Rising Return of the Talekeeper


  • Trade 16~17 crystals a guard to progress. (Took me 18 water crystals)
  • Accept the mission from any Bastok Gate Guard
    • Malduc right beside Naji can give the mission, as any other gate guards.
      • If your rank points are low you will still need to head back to the gate prior to accepting the new mission
  • Click on the Door: President's Office next to Iron Eater and enter to speak to President Karst for another cutscene.
  • Head for Xarcabard. Castle Zvahl is on the far west of the area.

Throne Room Path.png

Castle Zvahl Baileys

  • Enter Castle Zvahl Baileys, follow the one-way path until you come to the first intersection. Turn right, head north then west and down a small flight of stairs.
  • Turn left and follow the right wall until you reach the next map.
  • On the next map, turn right and head all the way to the top right corner of the map.
  • Head up the stairs and you will be on the second level.
  • Next, get to the top left part of the map and walk back down the set of stairs and you'll be back on the first level.
  • Work your way into the center of the map from here and you will be in an outdoor courtyard. Go back up to the second level then through the gate on the right and you'll be in a long hall with a long flight of stairs.

Castle Zvahl Keep

  • Inside, walk out of the hallway and turn right. Ahead, you will have to go through a few gates, there are a lot of mobs in the area which detect sight, however your party should have no problems disposing of them.
  • Once on the second level, you will be overlooking a room below. Follow the narrow path to more stairs and another hallway. You'll eventually reach an area with teleporters. These teleporters can take awhile to activate, so just stand on the center and be patient. Using them will cause your Invisible (Status Effect) to drop.
  • Follow the teleporters four times until you reach a new map. Run to the west/middle of this area and you'll see a door. Through this door will be the zone to the Throne Room.

Throne Room

  • You will now have some time to prepare for the fight, run to the other side of the Throne Room and gather up. When ready, check the door and enter the BCNM.
    • The Shadow Lord has 2 forms. In the first form, he can switch between physical or magical immunity. Take time during magic immunity to rest MP, and hold off on melee attacks while in physical.
    • While immune to magic, he will use Dark Nova (AOE Darkness damage) and can cast Black Magic. Dark Nova tends to indicate that he will switch to physical immunity.
    • During physical immunity, he can use a variety of TP attacks, including Giga Slash, Kick Back and Umbra Smash.
    • In short, bring both physical and magic dealers or you'll have a long fight ahead of you.
  • After defeating the first form, you will get a cutscene. You will be returned to the fight afterwards. Rest quickly and get ready for the second form.
  • The second form will only use AoE attacks, but has less HP (approximately 4,000 HP). At this point, use your 2hrs and take him down as fast as possible. Curaga should be used liberally here to help counter the AoE damage. He will not rotate immunities like the first form.
  • After the second form is defeated, you'll get another cutscene. At the end, you'll be returned to the entrance of Castle Zvahl Baileys. You will also receive the Shadow Fragment.
  • Return to the President for your reward: Rank 6 and gil.