Bearclaw Pinnacle

From HorizonXI Wiki
Atop the hills of the Uleguerand Range and frozen just beneath the the snowy peaks the Bearclaw Pinnacle is pervaded by a dark aura...
Table of Contents
Interactive Map
Zone Information
Area Name Bearclaw Pinnacle
Type Battlefield
Maps No Map
Map Acquisition N/A
Miscellaneous Able to use Tractor Able to use Escape
Hobbies None
Weather None
Region Valdeaunia
Expansion Chains of Promathia
Requirements None
Restrictions None
Background music "Turmoil"
Notes This area is the entrance to multiple ENM battles, as well a mission battle. You must use the Wind Pillar to do battle.

Involved in Quests/Missions

Mission Nation Starter Location
Promathia Mission 5-3-2 Promathia Cid Metalworks H-8

Battlefield Events

Entrance: Wind Pillar at (J-9)
Name Type Item Level Members Time
Flames for the Dead Mission -- 85 6 people 30 minutes
Brothers ENM Zephyr Fan 75 6 people 30 minutes
Follow the White Rabbit ENM Zephyr Fan 75 6 people 30 minutes
Holy Cow ENM Zephyr Fan 75 6 people 30 minutes
When Hell Freezes Over ENM Zephyr Fan 75 6 people 15 minutes