Beverage Barrel

From HorizonXI Wiki

Beverage Barrel


A Beverage Barrel in a mog house.
Beverage barrel
A barrel filled with grape juice.
<Water Aura STG: 1>
Furniture quest dialogue
Moogle: Master! I have something to tell you, kupo!
Look what I found in your beverage barrel!
You seem quite dehydrated lately, so maybe you should have it.
I'll try putting some more grapes in the barrel and see if I can make any more, kupo!

Other Uses

Guild Points Value: None
Used in Quest: Furniture Quest (Verification Needed dispenses Grape Juice once per conquest tally, depending on nation rank; if your nation is in 3rd place, none is dispensed.Verification Needed)
Resale Price: 50~51 gil

Synthesis Recipes

Woodworking (67), Cooking (32)

Yield: Beverage Barrel x 1
Earth Crystal

How to Obtain

Auction House Category: Furnishings AH Black.png

Only obtainable through synthesis.