Bunny Fang Sack
From HorizonXI Wiki
Sack of beach bunny fangs

A fang-filled bag used by Goblin
thieves to relay messages. It is
believed that the type of fang (beach
bunny) represents the place of
meeting (Vollbow).
thieves to relay messages. It is
believed that the type of fang (beach
bunny) represents the place of
meeting (Vollbow).
Other Uses
Used in Quest: Garrison/Cape Teriggan |
Gobbie Mystery Box: Awards 15 daily tally |
Resale Price: Cannot be sold to NPCs. |
How to Obtain
Cannot be auctioned, traded, bazaared, or delivered to a character on the same account.
Dropped By
Name | Level | Zone |
Goblin Tamer | 66-69 | Kuftal Tunnel |
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