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Carbuncle Prime

From HorizonXI Wiki
Zone Level Drops Steal Spawns Notes
Full Moon Fountain 80 6 A, T(H), M
??? HP
??? MP
A = Aggressive; NA = Non-Aggresive; L = Links; S = Detects by Sight; H = Detects by Sound;
HP = Detects Low HP; M = Detects Magic; Sc = Follows by Scent; T(S) = True-sight; T(H) = True-hearing
JA = Detects job abilities; WS = Detects weaponskills; Z(D) = Asleep in Daytime; Z(N) = Asleep at Nighttime; A(R) = Aggressive to Reive participants

Horizon Changes HorizonXI specific changes


  • High Level Avatar Spawned by Quest: Waking the Beast (after beating the other 6 prime+1 fights)
  • At 75% he will despawn and a random avatar will spawn in his place (Carbuncle Prime returns with 75% life after avatar is defeated).
  • At 50% he will despawn again and 2 random avatars will spawn. (Carbuncle Prime will return with 50% life after both avatars are defeated).
  • At 25% he will despawn with the 3 remaining avatars.
  • When all avatars are defeated, five Carbuncle Primes will spawn each with 25% health.
  • Each Carbuncle will use Searing Light at about 1% health.
  • The avatar items are not dropped off of Carbuncle Prime or found in a crate of any kind. As such, Treasure Hunter does not affect their chances of dropping.Verification Needed
  • The reward for "Waking the Beast" is Carbuncle's Pole.
  • Can be defeated by 12 SMN, 1 WAR/NIN and 1 BRD/COR.