Category:Chocobo Costumes

From HorizonXI Wiki

Chocobo costumes are unique to Horizon HorizonXI specific changes and are skins that can be applied to Chocobos. Once a player has obtained one, it can be applied to a chocobo by visiting the chocobo stables and speaking to any of the following Chocobo Skin Enthusiast:


Note that while using a chocobo skin you CANNOT chocobo dig - so when you need to get out and do your digging you can return to any of the Chocobo Skin Enthusiasts to choose to ride a chocobo once more!

Available Mount Skins

Unavailable Mount Skins

There is at least one known skin that players are currently unable to obtain.

Name of Skin How to Obtain
Goobue Mount HorizonXI Staff Only

Pages in category "Chocobo Costumes"

The following 12 pages are in this category, out of 12 total.