Category:Job Testimonies
From HorizonXI Wiki
A Job Testimony refers to one of twenty items, one named for each job (except Geomancer and Runefencer), which are typically found on high-level beastmen mobs of that job. They can each be used in the following ways:
- For the quest Shattering Stars as a requirement for entering the solo fight to raise your level cap from 70 to 75 (or the equivalent quest for Blue Mage, Corsair, Dancer, Puppetmaster, and Scholar).
- For the quest The Road to Aht Urhgan as a requirement in the 'Advanced' route to gain access to Aht Urhgan.
- For the quest The Forbidden Path as a requirement in the section 'The Winged'.
- To influence the freelancer Maat (S) in the Shadowreign Era.
- To be traded to the Gobbie Mystery Box for 50 daily tally.
Pages in category "Job Testimonies"
The following 4 pages are in this category, out of 4 total.
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