Crafting Table Colors

From HorizonXI Wiki

There are several css classes available for coloring tables and other elements. All colors for crafting tables follow the same pattern.

There are two classes that can be set on tables: woodworking-table and woodworking-table-alt each define a color scheme for the table by setting a color for the table content cells and the table header cells. When setting any of the classes on a row, it will be effective only on that row and will take precedence over the class set on the table.

  : header
  : body
  : header alt
  : body alt


header 1 header 2
content 1 content 2
content 3 content 4


header 1 header 2
content 1 content 2
content 3 content 4

Setting woodworking-table-alt on a header row of a table with woodworking-table set on the table

header 1 header 2
content 1 content 2
extra header 1 extra header 2
content 3 content 4