Cursed Cuisses

From HorizonXI Wiki


Pair of cursed cuisses
This pair of crimson cuisses was
constructed from rock-hard wyvern
scales. However, due to a curse that
has been placed upon them, the
cuisses cannot be equipped.
Stackable: Not Stackable

Other Uses

Synthesis Recipes

Alchemy (92)

Yield: Cursed Cuisses x 1
HQ 1: Cursed Cuisses -1 x 1
Dark Crystal

Used in Recipes

Desynthesis Recipe

Alchemy (92)

Yield: Sheep Leather x 2
HQ 1: Revival Tree Root x 2
HQ 2: Wyvern Scales x 2
HQ 3: Silver Thread x 2
Lightning Crystal
  • 1 x Cursed Cuisses

How to Obtain

Auction House Category: Others > Cursed Items AH Black.png

Only obtainable through synthesis.

Historical Background

Cuisses: Middle English meaning 'a piece of armour for the thigh': from Old French cuisseaux, plural of cuissel, from late Latin coxale, from coxa 'hip'.