Famous Carrot Broth

From HorizonXI Wiki

Famous Carrot Broth


Jug of famous carrot broth
Lv. 43 BST
Stackable: 12

Other Uses

Synthesis Recipes

Cooking (3)
Yield: Carrot Broth x 4
HQ 1: Famous Carrot Broth x 2
HQ 2: Famous Carrot Broth x 4
HQ 3: Famous Carrot Broth x 8
Water Crystal
Synergy (7), Cooking (4)
Yield: Famous Carrot Broth x 2
HQ 1: Famous Carrot Broth x 4
HQ 2: Famous Carrot Broth x 8
HQ 3: Famous Carrot Broth x 12
Balance: Earth Earth10 Water Water28

How to Obtain

Auction House Category: Weapons > Ammo & Misc. > Pet Items AH Black.png

Only obtainable through synthesis.