Category:Pet Items
From HorizonXI Wiki
(Redirected from Pet Items)
Pet items are equipped in the ammo slot. Only jobs which may call upon pets may use any of these and even then, are restricted to their corresponding job.
What can I equip?
- Jug Pets used by beastmasters to call upon a beast to aid them in battle.
- Pet Food also used by beastmasters in conjunction with the ability Reward.
Horizon Changes 
{{#section begin:Category:Horizon Changes|Pet Items}}
Changing equipment in this slot will have no effect on the user's TP.
Macro Syntax
In order to change equipment in this slot via text command, you use the following syntax:
- /equip ammo "<Item Name, as seen in inventory>"
Leaving the Item name out of the macro will unequip any items in the slot
Jug Pets by Level
To be added.
Pet Food by Level
Name | Level | Effect |
Pet Food Alpha | 12 |
Pet Food Beta | 24 |
Pet Food Gamma | 36 |
Pet Food Delta | 48 |
Pet Food Epsilon | 60 |
Pet Food Zeta | 72 |
Pages in category "Pet Items"
The following 45 pages are in this category, out of 45 total.
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