Ginuva's Theory
From HorizonXI Wiki
(Redirected from Ginuva)
Copy of "Ginuva's Battle Theory"

Lv. 65 All Jobs
Experience Scroll:
- Grants 150 - 600 EXP
- The value granted is completely random and is not affected by level or job.
- Note: as of the update on 04/14/2023, ALL experience scolls grant triple the amount of EXP.
Other Uses
Resale Price: Cannot be sold to NPCs. |
How to Obtain
Cannot be auctioned, traded, bazaared, or delivered.
- Dynamis - Beaucedine
- Dynamis - Xarcabard
- Dynamis - Buburimu
- Dynamis - Qufim
- Dynamis - Valkurm
- Dynamis - Tavnazia
Horizon Adventuring Assistance Program 
- Recevied in exchange for 1 HAAP Point.
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