Maple Harp

From HorizonXI Wiki

Maple Harp


Maple harp
(String Instr.) All Races

Lv. 1 BRD

Horizon Changes HorizonXI specific changes


Other Uses

Synthesis Recipes

Woodworking (23)

Yield: Maple Harp x 1
HQ 1: Maple Harp +1 x 1
Earth Crystal

Desynthesis Recipes

Woodworking (23)

Yield: Maple Lumber x 1
HQ 1: Maple Lumber x 2
HQ 2: Coeurl Whisker x 1
Lightning Crystal
  • 1 x Maple Harp

How to Obtain

Auction House Category: Weapons > Instruments AH Black.png


Price: ~ 44 - 49 gil
Name Location Type
Harmodios Bastok Markets (K-10) Standard Merchant
Chaupire Northern San d'Oria (E-3) Guild Merchant
Not automatically restocked.
Dehbi Moshal Al Zahbi (G-10) Guild Merchant
Not automatically restocked.

Sparks of Eminence

Template:Sparks of Eminence