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Quick Reputation

From HorizonXI Wiki

If you need Reputation for a quest and need it quick, there are some easy, repeatable quests you can do to get your reputation up. Not all repeatable quests for an area are listed, as some items are more of a pain to obtain than others. The ones listed are quick and easy quests.

Also, note that your reputation in Jeuno is raised by gaining reputation in other nations - If you raise your Bastok reputation to level 9, you may find your Jeuno reputation is around level 4 when you arrive in the city.

NOTE: The descriptions here are not complete walkthroughs. They are meant to give you an overview of the quest. Please click the link to the quest for details.



Starting NPC: Yoran-Oran - Windurst Walls (E-5)

Bastok, San d'Oria, Jeuno, Selbina, Rabao

Only the Best

Starting NPC: Melyon - Selbina (I-9)

It has been reported that 32 stacks of Millioncorn achieves Max Fame on a fresh/mule character with 0 game progress. (The exact number might be less than 32 stacks; more testimonials are needed.) Players with mission progress and regional quests completed may find that ~24 stacks or less of Millioncorn maxes fame in Bastok, San d'Oria, and Jeuno.


  • Your Jeuno fame is comprised of Jeuno quests and some accumulated combination of your fame in San d'Oria, Bastok, and Windurst. Between maxing your fame in the other nations, and completing some of the "must do" Jeuno quests (like Chocobo quest), your fame in Jeuno will max out on its own and not generally require you to do many of the other quests in that region.

Norg / Tenshodo

Shady Business

Starting NPC: Talib - Port Bastok (F-6)
  • Same idea as Mihgo's Amigo, but its Worms instead of Yagudo and Zinc Ore instead of Yagudo Neckla. You can also get lots of Zinc Ore while mining in certain areas. Oldton Movalpolos comes to mind. Give them to Talib four at a time. Note that there is a pre-quest where you have to give him one ore, then he will start taking four at a time. It takes ~10 stacks of Zinc Ore to reach tier 4 Norg fame. This and Mihgo's Amigo are highly recommended.