From HorizonXI Wiki
Mandragora-Mad | |
Starting NPC | Yoran-Oran, Windurst Walls (E-5)
Required Fame | Windurst Level 1 |
Items Needed | Four-Leaf Mandragora Bud Cornette Snobby Letter Three-Leaf Mandragora Bud or Yuhtunga Sulfur |
Title | None |
Repeatable | Yes |
Description | Yoran-Oran wants you to bring him unusual items that mandragoras drop, to help him in his research on the derivations of the species. |
Rewards | |
120 - 5,500 Gil |
- Yoran-Oran needs at least one of the following:
Item | Reward | Drops From |
Four-Leaf Mandragora Bud | 120g | Mandragora - Sarutabaruta Pygmaioi - Tahrongi Canyon Sylvestre - Buburimu Peninsula |
Cornette | 200g | Mandragora - Sarutabaruta Pygmaioi - Tahrongi Canyon |
Yuhtunga Sulfur | 250g | Mandragora - Sarutabaruta Pygmaioi - Tahrongi Canyon Sylvestre - Buburimu Peninsula |
Three-Leaf Mandragora Bud | 1,200g | Mandragora - near Kazham |
Snobby Letter | 5,500g | Mourioche - Boyahda Tree |
- If repeating this quest using Cornettes, you can use the following macro while directly facing Yoran-Oran:
/item "Cornette" <t> or /item "Cornette" <stnpc>
- The quickest route to Yoran's is to exit through Windurst Waters Mog House and turn right to Windurst Walls, cross the bridge, turn left, first house on left.
- If you are doing this quest for Reputation, be sure that you trade only 1 item at a time.
If you try more than one item, you will only be credited for the item in the first trade slot. - Zoning is not needed to repeat the quest.
- You will be unable to trade anything if you are in the middle of the Windurstian leg of CoP mission 3-3.
- This is a good quest for Windurst Reputation.
Trading Cornettes is a commonly used way to quickly increase Windurst Reputation.
- If Bastok is in 2nd+ place in Conquest, you can purchase Cornettes from Harmodios in Bastok Markets for 219-265g (net loss of 19-65g per Cornette).
- 240 Cornettes will get you from 1 to 9 (max Reputation) for a net loss of 4,560g - 15,600g.
The following table lists the total amount of Cornettes needed to reach a certain level when a character starts at Windurst Reputation level 1, as well as the net loss in gil when buying all the Cornettes from Harmodios.