From HorizonXI Wiki
If you come across a Goblin Footprint in the field, you may hear voices. If so, you can trade any item to the Footprint to have Ramblix appear and replay cutscenes within the same zone for you. Any items traded (for example, 1 gil), will not be lost.
"Oh my Gob! You're one of those adventurerurers, aren't ya?"
"You got nothin' on me, man. I was just mindin' my own businesesess, lookin' for junk an' stuff."
"Hey, watch out. You don't wanna fight me. I'll turn you into meat jerky!"
"Wait, how about you and me be friends instead? Sound good?"
"I travel all over the world and hear lots of differererent stories. I even hear your stories. I can tell you one, if you want."
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