Template:Item Statistics/Documentation

From HorizonXI Wiki

This template is used to display information for the Statistics section of item pages. It has many parameters, but only a few will be used for any given item. Omit any unused parameters. Note: not all parameters listed below are represented above.

  • First unnamed Parameter (optional): You can set the first unnamed parameter to:
    • nd (no documentation) to suppress the preview documentation (helpful in the editing process)
    • bp (boilerplate) to have the preview documentation without comments so you can just copy it to the page (helpful for creating new pages to just start with {{Item Statistics|bp}} and copy the boilerplate from the preview only)
  • type: The type of item, such as "armor", "weapon", "food", "fish", "medicine", "furnishing", "key", "material", "container", "quest item", fireworks, or "automaton attachment.
  • cosmetic: Whether this is a cosmetic item or not. Parameter will accept "y", "yes" and "true"
  • custom content: Whether this is a custom item or not. Parameter will accept "y", "yes" and "true"
  • horizon changes: Whether this item has Horizon changes or not. Parameter will accept "y", "yes" and "true"
  • icon id: The id of the in-game icon used by this item. Displays the icon if it is available.
  • image: An image of the item when equipped. Only use on items that have a unique model.
  • image caption: Sets a caption for the image.
  • image size: Sets the size of the image.
  • name: The full name of the item, as shown on the item in-game. If this parameter isn't set, the page's name is displayed.
  • tags: {{Rare}}, {{Exclusive}}, {{Augment}}, and/or {{Temp}}.
  • slot: The slot the armor is equipped to.
  • weapon type: The type of the weapon, such as Sword, Club, Wind Instrument, Grip, or Pet Items.
  • races: The races and sexes that can use this armor. If this parameter isn't set, it defaults to All Races.
  • description: The description of the item in-game.
  • damage: The damage of the weapon. Only enter numeric values for this parameter (12, +4, etc.).
  • delay: The delay of the weapon. Only enter numeric values for this parameter (180, +60, etc.).
  • alternate damage: An alternative damage for this weapon. Used to calculate an alternate DPS (damage per second). Used when items have a triggered effect that modifies the base damage of the weapon.
  • alternate delay: An alternative delay for this weapon. Used when items have a triggered effect that modifies the base delay of the weapon. Used to calculate an alternate DPS and TP per hit.
  • jobs: The jobs that can use this equipment. The jobs should be listed all on one line with breaks (<br>) to create new lines where needed, except in the case of Scrolls that are used by more than one job, use job2 to job5 to individually describe them.
  • level: The level of the equipment. In the case of Scrolls that are used by more than one job, use level2 to level5 to match the jobs listed with the above tags.
  • item level: The Item Level of the equipment.
  • delay:The delay of the weapon. Only enter numeric values for this parameter (180, +60, etc.).
  • stats: Any stats the equipment has, as shown on the item in-game.
  • charges: The number of charges the equipment has (see Category:Charged).
  • charge delay: The amount of time that must pass between equipping the item and using a charge (see Category:Charged).
  • recast: The amount of time that is required to pass after a charge has been consumed before another charge can be used (see Category:Charged).
  • shield type: Used only by shields. The type of shield, such as "Buckler" or "Tower" (see {{Shield Type}}).
  • evolith 1, evolith 2, evolith 3: The evolith slots of the weapon (see {{Evolith}}).
  • size: Used only by fish. The size of the fish: "item", "small", or "large".
  • length: Used only by fish. Represents the length range of the fish.
  • weight: Used only by fish. Represents the weight range of the fish.
  • habitat: The habitat of the fish, such as "freshwater" or "saltwater".
  • stackable: The maximum stack size of this item (1, 12, 99) or "Not Stackable."
  • ability activated: The ability that consumes this item, such as "Reward" or "Repair".
  • ability effects: The effects gained when this item is consumed by an ability (see {{Effect}}).
  • contents: The item received when this item is used or "random" to link to the "Item Contents" section of the page. Used only with "type = container" items.
  • contents amount: The number of items received. Can be a range. Used only with container items.
  • use: The special use of the item, such as the text generated by {{Tool}}, or "none" for items with no known use. This will override any use generated by the type of item.
  • use delay: How long it takes to use this item.
  • after use delay: How long before other items, spells, or abilities can be used after this item has been used.
  • duration: How long the effects of this item last or "Instant".
  • infinite use: "true" or "yes" to mark the item as having infinite uses. Used only with container items.
  • effects: A list of the effects this food produces when used (see {{Effect}} for instructions on the use of the effect template).
  • alternate duration: How long the effects of this item last under its alternate condition.
  • alternate condition: An alternate condition that changes the effects of this item.
  • alternate effects: A list of the effects this item produces when used under its alternate condition.
  • aura element: The elemental aura of the furnishing.
  • aura strength: The strength of the elemental aura of the furnishing.
  • storage: The storage provided by the furnishing.
  • moghancement: The moghancement provided by the furnishing.
  • placement: The available placements of the furnishing.
  • dimensions: The dimensions of the furnishing.
  • notes: Any additional notes about the item.
  • set: The equipment set the item belongs to.
  • eastern analog, western analog: Displays a link to the eastern or western analog of this fish.
  • storable: Any NPC storage that can store the item. See {{Storable}}.
  • see also: Used to display links to any strongly associated items. Use sparingly.
  • returning: Used for returning weapons (eg. boomerang) and displays a message to explain this.