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Waag-Deeg's Magic Shop

From HorizonXI Wiki
Waag-Deeg's Magic Shop
Waag-Deeg's Magic Shop
Lower Jeuno (H-9 / I-9), Lower Level



Items: Prices:
Scroll of Baraera 930
Scroll of Baraero 930
Scroll of Barblizzara 3,624
Scroll of Barblizzard 3,624
Scroll of Barfira 1,760
Scroll of Barfire 1,760
Scroll of Barstone 156
Scroll of Barstonra 156
Scroll of Barthunder 5,754
Scroll of Barthundra 5,754
Scroll of Barwater 360
Scroll of Barwatera 360
Scroll of Curaga II 11,200
Scroll of Curaga III 19,932
Scroll of Cure IV 23,400
Scroll of Protect III 32,000


Items: Prices:
Scroll of Banishga II 20,000
Scroll of Barblind 2,030
Scroll of Barblindra 2,030
Scroll of Barparalyze 780
Scroll of Barparalyzra 780
Scroll of Barpoison 400
Scroll of Barpoisonra 400
Scroll of Barsilence 4,608
Scroll of Barsilencera 4,608
Scroll of Barsleep 244
Scroll of Barsleepra 244
Scroll of Cursna 8,586
Scroll of Holy 35,000
Scroll of Silena 2,330
Scroll of Stona 19,200
Scroll of Viruna 13,300


Items: Prices:
Scroll of Sleepga 10,304 - 11,200
Scroll of Shell III 26,244
Scroll of Protectra III 19,200
Scroll of Shellra II 14,080
Scroll of Shellra III 26,244
Scroll of Barpetrify 15,120
Scroll of Barvirus 9,600
Scroll of Barpetra 15,120
Scroll of Barvira 9,600
Scroll of Sleep II 18,720
Scroll of Stone III 11,959 *
Scroll of Water III 13,609 *
Scroll of Aero III 16,646 *
Scroll of Fire III 19,983 *
Scroll of Blizzard III 23,620 *
Scroll of Thunder III 27,558 *
* 40% price reduction compared to era HorizonXI specific changes


Name Purpose
Vingijard Artifact Memory Resetter