Weapon Training Guide
From HorizonXI Wiki
Weapons Training Guide
This slip of parchment explains, in detail, the steps one must take to improve her weapon wielding skills.
Used In Quest(s):
- The Weight of Your Limits (Great Axe, Steel Cyclone)
- Shoot First, Ask Questions Later (Marksmanship, Detonator)
- Inheritance (Great Sword, Ground Strike)
- The Walls of Your Mind (Hand-to-Hand, Asuran Fists)
- Methods Create Madness (Polearm, Impulse Drive)
- Souls in Shadow (Scythe, Spiral Hell)
- Old Wounds (Sword, Savage Blade)
- From Saplings Grow (Archery, Empyreal Arrow)
- Orastery Woes (Club, Black Halo)
- Blood and Glory (Staff, Retribution)
- Axe the Competition (Axe, Decimation)
- Cloak and Dagger (Dagger, Evisceration)
- The Potential Within (Great Katana, Tachi: Kasha)
- Bugi Soden (Katana, Blade: Ku)
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