Yagudo Fletchings

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Bag of Yagudo fletchings
Yagudo feathers that are fitted
to the nock end of the arrow shafts.
They add to the directional stability
of arrows in flight.
Stackable: 99

Horizon Changes HorizonXI specific changes


Other Uses

Used in Quest: [[|]]
Resale Price: 3~4 gil

Synthesis Recipes

Clothcraft (22)
Yield: Yagudo Fletchings x 6
HQ 1: Yagudo Fletchings x 8
HQ 2: Yagudo Fletchings x 10
HQ 3: Yagudo Fletchings x 12
Wind Crystal
Clothcraft (22)
Yield: Yagudo Fletchings x 18
HQ 1: Yagudo Fletchings x 24
HQ 2: Yagudo Fletchings x 30
HQ 3: Yagudo Fletchings x 36
Wind Crystal
Key ItemFletching

Used in Recipes

How to Obtain

Auction House Category: Materials > Woodworking AH Black.png

Only obtainable through synthesis.