
From HorizonXI Wiki
Revision as of 19:23, 18 July 2023 by Spiffly (talk | contribs)

To bring up the Ashita sub-menu in-game, use the command /ashita.

Troubleshooting & Solutions

🔹 Can't Load an Addon/Plugin.

1. Ensure you are using the correct syntax of '/addon load nameofaddon' for addons and simply /load for plugins.
2. Check that the addon folder name, found via HorizonXI > Game > addons is the same as the addon.

🔹 Windows Key Has to be Enabled Every Time I Load the Game.

1. Load the file found via HorizonXI > Game > config > boot > ashita.ini. 
2. Find the line: "keyboard.windowskeyenabled      = 0" and change the 0 for a 1.
3. Save the file and close.
4. Change the file to 'read-only' otherwise it will revert back. To do this, right-click on the file and select 'properties'. Under 'attributes' check the read-only box and then 'apply'.

Addon Support

For a list of available Ashita addons, please see visit this website, created and maintained by User:Hugin Please be aware that this list may not be exhaustive and players should always verify addon's legality from official sources before using them. Any information found on this wiki is not considered an official source.

Installing & Loading an Addon

This is the standard process for adding an addon to your game. It isn't an exhaustive list for all addons as some may require additional steps.

  • Move your downloaded addon into your HorizonXI > Game > addons directory.
  • Ensure that the folder has the same name as the addon. Eg. I downloaded 'mobdb' and it's folder came named 'mobdb-main'. I changed this to simply 'mobdb'.
  • In game use the command '/addon load nameofaddon'. You should receive a message in your log if successful.
  • To make this addon load automatically, you need to add it into your start-up script which can be found via the HorizonXI > Game > Scripts > default.txt directory. From the picture below, add the line in at the section stated.

Loading an addon.png

  • Some addons require additional steps for them to work as desired. You should read the accompanying readme for further instructions.

List of Addons

Please bear in mind that this list of Horizon legal addons may change at a future date. Please check on the Horizon website to ensure addon legality. This section is a work-in-progress so please feel free to add to it.

Pages in category "Ashita"

The following 6 pages are in this category, out of 6 total.