Make Gil as a New Player With This One Easy Trick!

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Revision as of 15:39, 8 December 2023 by Liihu (talk | contribs)

Welcome to HorizonXI. In this guide I will explain how to make easy new player gil in FFXI. If you follow each step and are willing to put a little effort in, you can make 100k+ gil. Don't believe me? Read on...


Step One

First of all you need a small amount of gil to start off. The 10 gil you begin with won't be enough. Head outside and kill enough mobs to make a couple of hundred gil. Kill anything. NPC it all. Find a quest for it. Sell it on aution. Whatever. You just need a little starting gil. 700g will be enough but a little more won't hurt either.

If you prefer, each starter city has at least one quest that rewards gil.

Only Flyers For Regine doesn't involved you leaving town and the other two quests will potentially involve dodging some aggro.

Step Two

Find a vendor within your starter city that sells:

Purchase a stack of each with the gil you have made so far. Head to the nearest Auction House and sell them all. What you will find is that every single one will sell for MORE than you just paid for them. Fortunately (or unfortunately) in FFXI there's always someone richer than you who are willing to pay above vendor price, for the priviledge of not having to run to said vendor. We will take advantage of these people as much as possible.

Step Three

Now we need to wait for the 3 stacks of items to sell. Luckily for us, we've chosen 3 items that sell incredibly fast. With a little undercutting as well, everything should have sold within the hour. Head to your Mog House and collect your gil from your Delivery Box. Head back to the same vendors and do it all again.

Step Four

You should now have the gist of how this works. This next step is where the little effort on your part starts. Using a resource such as this wiki (use retail wiki if you need to) and by scanning the auction house for what sells, you can start to find more items that can be bought cheap and flipped for profit. There are hundreds of examples, more than I could list in this short guide.

Gradually build up your gil, 100g here, 200g there. It adds up suprisingly fast and remember, there's no use sitting on gil at this point. Put that gil to work! Once you have found 21 different items. It's time to move on to step five.

Step Five

This is the last and final step. Once you can list 21 different items, it's time to create a mule. This will give you access to another 21 auction slots. And once again, if you manage to fill another 21 slots, Horizon allows each person to have 3 characters. Make use of this and create a second mule, for a total of 63 available auction house slots.

At the 63 item limit, it will be difficult to find 63 different items so feel free to list multiple stacks of the fastest selling items. It's not uncommon for other players to buy multiple stacks of the original Distilled Water, Rock Salt and Little Worms. Keep on grinding and before you know it, you'll have that 100k target.

Ideas For Items

  • Have you checked weapon/armor stores?
  • Have you checked spell shops?
  • Other fishing gear?
  • Food always sells well. Some food functions as ingredients and other food helps with battle-related stats.
  • Repeatable quest items (such as la theine cabbage).
  • Don't forget to check regional vendors! Check Region Info >> Conquest to find out which nation controls an area.

AH shenanigans

Keep it full

This is the easy one. You have 21 slots to sell items on the AH, keep those 21 slots full. If that means you are selling distilled water for 100gil profit that's better than not having the item up at all.