Mama Mia

From HorizonXI Wiki
Revision as of 23:15, 2 February 2025 by Chiimi000 (talk | contribs) (→‎Walkthrough)
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Mama Mia
Starting NPC MamaulabionNorg (G-6)
Required Fame None 
Items Needed Bubbly Water
Egil's Torch
Eye of Nept
Desert Light
Elder Branch
Rust 'B' Gone
Ancients' Key 
Additional Requirements Tenshodo Reputation 4
Title None
Repeatable No 
Description Mamaulabion would like you to bring him any "thuper-dee-duper, overflowing with thpethial power itemth" you happen to come across in your travels. However, he was not able to provide you with any details on their whereabouts.
Evoker's Ring
