Category talk:Enhancing Magic

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Barspell Duration

I've been adding in 'base duration' figures to each barspell but I'm stuggling to figure out exactly what the figure is supposed to be. So far I haven't found any details on historical wiki pages to suggest what it should be.

At some point in 2009 SE changed the duration to 10 minutes.

On Horizon as a 46 WHM and enhancing magic skill of 118, both bar-element and bar-status type spells are lasting for 2 minutes and 26 seconds. The random number leads me to believe that enhancing skill affects duration but how exactly, I can't say. In time I plan to level my mule to 5 (barstonra level) and test it out from 0 skill but for now I wanted to add this here to preserve my thoughs but in the hope that others with more information might comment also. ~ Pendulum

Posting the results of the starts of my testing.

Level Enhancing Skill Duration
5 0 2 mins 25 secs
1 2 mins 25 secs
2 2 mins 25 secs
3 2 mins 25 secs
46 120 2 mins 25 secs
121 2 mins 25 secs

The level 5 character was done on a fresh mule, starting with 0 skill. The level 46 test was done on my main characters WHM, with skill level being innate and no boosts.

Level Enhancing Skill Duration Barspell Merits
75 230 3 mins 11 secs 4
75 247 3 mins 24 secs 4

This test was done by Beeliven. Thanks. The 230 skill test was done naked. This suggests one of three things is increasing barspell duration: merits, enhancing skill beyond a certain break-point or a combination of the two. There may be something unforseen at play as well.

If somebody reads this and has a 75 WHM with either uncapped enhancing skill or 0 merits in barspell, I'd appreciate it if you would do some testing and post it here or DM it to me on discord. ~ Pendulum