Template:Craft Recipe List Header

From HorizonXI Wiki
Revision as of 13:04, 26 December 2023 by Aramachus (talk | contribs) (hide rank item row in legend if there is no rank item)
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A template that generates the header information for the list of crafting recipes. See, e.g., Category:Woodworking/Amateur.

Note: This shows only the legend, will NOT affect the table formatting.


  • name: name of the craft
  • main craft css: css class which styles the table cells associated with this craft being the main craft
  • sub craft css: css class which styles the table cells associated with this craft being a sub craft
  • rank item css: css class which styles the table cell of the rank item. Note: If rank item css is left blank, the row will not be displayed (e.g. for level 90+ recipe lists when there is no rank item).


{{Craft Recipe List Header
| name = Woodworking
| rank item css = text-bold
| main craft css = woodworking-body
| sub craft css = woodworking-body-alt
Text Guild Rank Test item click to locate
Text Item with Woodworking as its main craft
Text Item with Woodworking as a subcraft