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Text Item with Woodworking as its main craft
Text Item with Woodworking as a subcraft

71-80 Artisan

Item Crystal Ingredients HQ Cap
Ebony Harp Earth Coeurl Whisker
Ebony Lumber x2
HQ1: Ebony Harp +1
HQ2: Ebony Harp +2
Water Barrel Earth Iron Sheet
Oak Lumber x3
Ancient Lumber Wind Petrified Log HQ1: Ancient Lumber x2
HQ2: Ancient Lumber x3
HQ3: Ancient Lumber x4
Ancient Lumber x3
Key ItemLumberjack
Wind Bundling Twine
Petrified Log x3
HQ1: Ancient Lumber x6
HQ2: Ancient Lumber x9
HQ3: Ancient Lumber x12
Hume Fishing Rod Light Broken Hume Rod 72
Tarutaru Folding Screen Earth Parchment x3
Rattan Lumber x3
Smithing (26)
Earth Iron Sheet x2
Rosewood Lumber x3
Clothespole Light Broken Clothespole 73
Musketeer's Pole +1 Earth Mahogany Lumber
Musketeer's Pole
Musketeer's Pole +2 73
Platinum Arrow x33 Earth Ash Lumber
Platinum Arrowheads
Yagudo Fletchings
HQ1: Platinum Arrow x66
HQ2: Platinum Arrow x99
Sanctified Lumber
Key ItemWood Purification
Wind Ice Anima
Light Anima
Petrified Log
Water Anima
HQ1: Sanctified Lumber x2
HQ2: Sanctified Lumber x3
HQ3: Sanctified Lumber x4
Bastokan Staff Earth Ebony Lumber
Legionnaire's Staff
Republic Staff 74
Smithing (42), Goldsmithing (5)
Fire Ash Lumber
Brass Ingot
Darksteel Ingot x2
Couse +1 74
Hume Fishing Rod Wind Rosewood Lumber
Silver Thread
Round Shield
Smithing (19)
Earth Iron Sheet
Mahogany Lumber
Oak Lumber
Round Shield +1 74
Smithing (41)
Earth Darksteel Sheet
Mahogany Lumber x2
Rosewood Lumber x2
Dark Staff Wind Dark Bead
Ebony Lumber
Pluto's Staff 75
Earth Staff Wind Earth Bead
Ebony Lumber
Terra's Staff 75
Fire Staff Wind Ebony Lumber
Fire Bead
Vulcan's Staff 75
Ice Staff Wind Ebony Lumber
Ice Bead
Aquilo's Staff 75
Light Staff Wind Ebony Lumber
Light Bead
Apollo's Staff 75
Thunder Staff Wind Ebony Lumber
Lightning Bead
Jupiter's Staff 75
Water Staff Wind Ebony Lumber
Water Bead
Neptune's Staff 75
Wind Staff Wind Ebony Lumber
Wind Bead
Auster's Staff 75
Darksteel Lance
Smithing (51)
Fire Ash Lumber x2
Darksteel Ingot x2
Darksteel Lance +1 76
Kilo Pump x66
Alchemy (54)
Earth Animal Glue
Bamboo Stick
Carbon Fiber
Chestnut Lumber
Coeurl Whisker x2
Water Cluster
Kilo Pump x99 76
Clothespole Wind Mahogany Lumber
Silk Thread
Commode Earth Rosewood Lumber x5 77
Dispel Couse Wind Bewitched Ash Lumber
Noble's Bed
Clothcraft (56), Goldsmithing (50)
Earth Gold Ingot
Gold Thread
Mahogany Lumber
Rosewood Lumber x3
Silk Cloth
Velvet Cloth
Velocity Bow Earth Flauros Whisker
Heavy Crossbow
Velocity Bow +1 78
Ebony Pole Wind Ebony Lumber x2 Ebony Pole +1 79
River Aquarium
Alchemy (Information Needed)
Light Freshwater Set
Glass Sheet
Kayabaligi x3
Oak Lumber
Petrified Log
Sieglinde Putty
Scimitar Cactus
Smithing (20)
Water Cactus Arm
Iron Sheet
Red Gravel
Freshwater Aquarium
Alchemy (36)
Light Freshwater Set
Glass Sheet
Oak Lumber
Petrified Log
Pipira x3
Sieglinde Putty
Lu Shang's Fishing Rod Light Broken Lu Shang's Rod 80
Tower Shield
Goldsmithing (11)
Earth Brass Ingot
Brass Sheet
Ebony Lumber
Mahogany Lumber
Oak Lumber x2
Tower Shield +1 80