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Job Ability

Grants four utsusemi shadows and adds a damage multiplier to elemental ninjutsu spells.
Job: Ninja
Level: 1
Recast Time: 2 hours
Duration: 30 seconds


  • Mikage is a Ninja's Two Hour Ability.
  • This is a HorizonXI custom ability, replacing Mijin Gakure. HorizonXI specific changes
  • Immediately grants the player 4 Utsusemi shadows.
  • Also grants a 30 second buff. While under the effect of this buff, all elemental damage based Ninjutsu spells receive a damage multiplier. This multiplier is based off the amount of shadows remaining.

Horizon Changes HorizonXI specific changes

Macro Syntax

  • /ja "Mikage" <me>

Example of how Mikage works:

Example A: If a player activates Mikage and casts Katon: Ni with 4 Utsusemi shadows remaining, Katon: Ni will be cast 5 times on the monster. This is one copy for the player and four copies for the remaining Utsusemi shadows.
 Example B: If a player activates Mikage and casts Katon: Ni with 2 Utsusemi shadows remaining, Katon: Ni will be cast 3 times on the monster. This is one copy for the player and two copies for the remaining Utsusemi shadows.