
From HorizonXI Wiki
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Zone Level Drops Steal Spawns Notes
Maze of Shakhrami 36-37
1 A, H
A = Aggressive; NA = Non-Aggresive; L = Links; S = Detects by Sight; H = Detects by Sound;
HP = Detects Low HP; M = Detects Magic; Sc = Follows by Scent; T(S) = True-sight; T(H) = True-hearing
JA = Detects job abilities; WS = Detects weaponskills; Z(D) = Asleep in Daytime; Z(N) = Asleep at Nighttime; A(R) = Aggressive to Reive participants

Horizon Changes HorizonXI specific changes


  • Spawns in the area from K-8 to J-9 (the small room at J-9, through the hallway at J-8 and into the larger room at K-8).
  • Timed Spawn randomly of either this NM or the Leech King. Window opens 12 hours after death, with a force spawn at 30 hours.
  • During the spawn window either this NM or the other will spawn in their designated area, but not both. Full respawn time is only restarted when one of these NM's are killed.
  • On Wide Scan, Argus appears just before the two Ancient Bats and large list of Leeches.