
From HorizonXI Wiki


Square of galateia
Bleached white, this durable cloth
is used in garments popular in the
Far West.
Stackable: 12

Other Uses

Used in Quest: [[|]]
Reforged Empyrean Armor: Erilaz Leg Guards
Resale Price: ~1,025 gil

Used in Recipes

Obtained from Desynthesis

How to Obtain

Auction House Category: Materials > Clothcraft AH Black.png


Dropped by


Name Level Cap Zone
Follow the White Rabbit 75 Bearclaw Pinnacle
When Hell Freezes Over 75 Bearclaw Pinnacle
Sheep in Antlion's Clothing 75 Boneyard Gully
Like the Wind 75 Boneyard Gully
Totentanz 75 Boneyard Gully