Leo Subligar

From HorizonXI Wiki

Leo Subligar


Leo subligarRareExclusive
[Legs] All Races
Lv. 50 DRG

Horizon Changes HorizonXI specific changes


Other Uses

Synthesis Recipes


Used in Recipes

  • None

Desynthesis Recipes


Obtained from Desynthesis

  • None

How to Obtain

Cannot be auctioned, traded, bazaared, or delivered. AH Black.png

Dropped From

Name Level Zone
Fomor Dragoon 41-48 Phomiuna Aqueducts
54-58 Sacrarium

Historical Background

Leo is traditionally the fifth constellation out of 12 in the Zodiac. It represents a lion. It is a Fire-element sign and a Fixed sign (signs considered to have determination and stubborn refusal to change their position/view). Leo governs the 5th House (creativity/creative expression, romance, children, the ego, gambling and forms of play) and it is ruled by the celestial body the Sun. Leo is a constellation bounded by Cancer, Virgo, Ursa Major, Leo Minor, Hydra, Sextans, Crater, Lynx, Coma Berenices. Its named stars are (from Alpha to Theta): Regulus, Denebola, Algieba, Zosma, Ras Elased, Adhafera, Chertan. Traditionally, people born from July 23 to August 22 are considered Leos. Leo is Latin for "lion".