
From HorizonXI Wiki


Bowl of puls
A porridge made from flour.
Stackable: Not Stackable
Food Effects: (3 hours, All Races)

Other Uses

Guild Points Value: 150 / 2,320 (15.47 items)
Used in Quest: [[|]]
Resale Price: ~148 - 153 gil

Synthesis Recipes

Cooking (24)

Yield: Puls x 1
HQ 1: Delicious Puls x 1
Fire Crystal

How to Obtain

Auction House Category: Food > Meals > Soups AH Black.png


Guild Merchants

Price: 2,832 gil
Name Location Type
Kopopo Windurst Waters, North (E-8)
Culinarians' Guild
Culinarians' Guild
Not automatically restocked.