Quadav Helm

From HorizonXI Wiki

Quadav Helm


Quadav helm
A helmet worn by the Quadav.
It is far too bulky for people to wear.
Stackable: 12

Other Uses

Synthesis Recipes


Used in Recipes

  • None

Desynthesis Recipes

Smithing (49)
Yield: Bronze Ingot x 1
HQ 1: Iron Ingot x 1
HQ 2: Steel Ingot x 1
HQ 3: Darksteel Ingot x 1
Lightning Crystal
  • 1 x Quadav Helm
Smithing (51)
Yield: Bronze Sheet x 1
HQ 1: Iron Sheet x 1
HQ 2: Steel Sheet x 1
HQ 3: Darksteel Sheet x 1
Wind Crystal
  • 1 x Quadav Helm

Obtained from Desynthesis

  • None

How to Obtain

Auction House Category: Others > Beast-made AH Black.png

Dropped by

Name Level Zone
Old Quadav 22-26 Beadeaux