Ranperre Goldpiece
From HorizonXI Wiki
Ranperre goldpiece
This ancient San d'Orian currency,
valuing 10,000 noits, dates back to
C.E. 830. It commemorates the slaying
of the evil black dragon by Ranperre
valuing 10,000 noits, dates back to
C.E. 830. It commemorates the slaying
of the evil black dragon by Ranperre
Stackable: 99
Other Uses
Relic Weapon Quest: Relic Weapons |
Resale Price: Cannot be sold to NPCs. |
How to Obtain
Auction House Category: Others > Misc. 3
Ancient Currency Exchange
- Trade 100 x M. Silverpieces to Lootblox in Davoi, Surface (Davoi/Maps#Surface)
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