Template:Battlefield Header

From HorizonXI Wiki


  • No input is needed for the name of the battlefield, this will self-populate.
  • type: = Links and auto-categorizes to Category:Battlefields and the type of battlefield eg. BCNM, KSNM, ENM or ISNM, which are all accepted inputs.
  • zone: = Zone of the battlefield
  • location: = Optional parameter When set it allows the editos to specify a location in case the zone is a map. See below examples.
  • level: = Level cap for the battlefield. Use "75" if there are no restrictions.
  • members: = Maximum amount of players that can participate in the battlefield.
  • time: = Time limit of the battlefield.
  • entry item: = The item or key item that is required to enter the battlefield
  • notes: = Any additional important information about the battlefield.


{{Battlefield Header
| type = 
| zone = 
| location = 
| level = 
| members = 
| time = 
| entry item = 
| notes = 


Example 1

Battlefield Header
Type: BCNM
Zone: Horlais Peak
Entry Item: Cloudy Orb
Level: 20
Members: 3
Time: 15 minutes
{{Battlefield Header
| type = BCNM
| zone = Horlais Peak
| level = 20
| members = 3
| time = 15 minutes
| entry item = Cloudy Orb
| notes = 

Example 2

Battlefield Header
Type: BCNM
Zone: Ghelsba Outpost
Hut Door at (F-10)
Entry Item: Cloudy Orb
Level: 20
Members: 3
Time: 15 minutes
{{Battlefield Header
| type = BCNM
| zone = Ghelsba Outpost
| level = 20
| members = 3
| time = 15 minutes
| location = Hut Door at ({{Location Tooltip|area=Ghelsba Outpost|pos=F-10}})
| entry item = Cloudy Orb
| notes = 