Willow Wand +1

From HorizonXI Wiki

Willow Wand +1


Willow wand +1
(Club) All Races
DMG: 6 Delay: 210 INT +3 MND +3
Lv. 9 WHM / BLM / RDM / SMN / BLU / SCH / GEO
Damage Per Second: 1.71
TP Per Hit: 57

Other Uses

Guild Points Value: 119 / 1,760 (14.79 items)
Used in Quest: [[|]]
Resale Price: 119~133 gil

Synthesis Recipes

Woodworking (14)

Yield: Willow Wand x 1
HQ 1: Willow Wand +1 x 1
Wind Crystal

Desynthesis Recipes

Woodworking (14)

Yield: Willow Lumber x 1
HQ 1: Willow Lumber x 1
HQ 2: Willow Lumber x 1
HQ 3: Insect Wing x 1
Lightning Crystal
  • 1 x Willow Wand +1

How to Obtain

Auction House Category: Weapons > Clubs AH Black.png

Only obtainable through synthesis.


Disclaimer: The listed ??? Item will not always appraise to the desired item.