Windurst Mission 9-2

From HorizonXI Wiki
Moon Reading
Series Windurst Missions
Starting NPC Any Windurst Gate Guard
Title Vestal Chamberlain
Repeatable No 
HAAP 4 points 
Description To lure the Bearer of Darkness to the Full Moon Fountain, you must collect the three verses of the ancient people. As her guiding star, the Star Sibyl is counting on you to help her decide the path for Windurst's future. The fate of Windurst rests upon your shoulders!
Rank 10
100,000 gil
Windurstian Flag
Mog Wardrobe: 10 Slots HorizonXI specific changes
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Doll of the Dead None


Collecting Verses

  • Return to the Door: Vestal Chamber for a cutscene.

Full Moon Fountain (BCNM)

  • Go to Full Moon Fountain and clear a two part Burning Circle fight.
    • The first part is against four Ace Cardians. A good strategy is to cast Sleepga on them and and kill Ace of Batons (BLM), followed by Ace of Swords (PLD) and then Ace of Coins (RDM). Sleep Ace of Cups (WHM) and rest to full.
      • The cardians will eventually start resisting sleep. However, unless you take a long time to kill the first three it should not be a problem.
      • The cardians will aggro from outside casting player casting range. The Ace of Swords will move to melee range while the other three will cast before moving.
    • As soon as the last Cardian dies you will get a cutscene. The next fight is with Tatzlwurm (a wyvern) and Yali (a manticore). You will be assisted by Ajido-Marujido. If he dies, you lose the fight, so be sure to cure him.
    • Letting Ajido-Marujido choose will aggro both NMs. Be prepared to pull both off of him.
  • If you use the Enternity addon the final cutscene may not play while using Windower or ashita.
    • You might want to unload it '//lua u enternity' or '/addon unload enternity'.
    • If you crash the game, the top door will not provide a cutscene. The remedy is to click the blank, glowing spot right outside of Heaven's Tower to complete Rank 10.
      • Not everyone has this issue but if you do the above should work for you.
      • It may look like its crashed on the multiple 30 second black screens but it eventually loads.
  • Return to the Door: Vestal Chamber for a cutscene.
  • Click the Door: Vestal Chamber again for the final cutscene with the Star Sibyl and to end the Windurst story line.