Conquest Points

From HorizonXI Wiki

Conquest Points are obtained via the Conquest System when you defeat an enemy with Signet applied. You can see how many Conquest Points your character has by using the in game menu category "Regional Info" under the topic "Conquest," or typing the /rmap command. Conquest Points will be listed in the bottom right corner.


The formula for calculating Conquest Points:

(EXP/10) * Region Modifier = Conquest Points


Region Modifier:

  • 1 = Region under your Allegiance control
  • 1.5 = Region not controlled by your Allegiance (other nation or beastmen)
  • 1.6 = Player has a Moghancement that increases CP gain.

In the event of a nation alliance, the first place nation will get a 1.5 modifier in all regions; the allianced nations will get a modifier of 2 in regions controlled by the first place nation, a modifier of 1.5 in Beastmen controlled regions, and a modifier of 1 in areas controlled by either nation in the alliance.

Conquest Points Items

You can spend these points to obtain items from your Conquest Overseers:

These Items are available from all Conquest Overseers

Rank Requirement Cost in CP Items

Any Rank 500 CP
750 CP
2500 CP
9000 CP
1200 CP
1000 CP
1100 CP

Note: You may purchase some items from other nations' Conquest Overseers if your nation is higher in the actual Conquest hierarchy, but at the CP cost of the next higher rank (see also the Conquest point items articles). For example, if you were rank 7 of Windurst allegiance and Windurst was above Bastok in the current Conquest standings, you could buy a rank 7 Gold Musketeer's Bolt from a Bastokan Conquest Overseer, but you would have to pay 40000 CP (the price for a rank 8 item) instead of 32000 CP (the price for a rank 7 item). You also have to go to that nation, and use the Conquest Overseer there (rather than ones in Jeuno), for the privilege of paying more for foreign goods.

See also