Tumbling Truffle

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Revision as of 22:14, 19 January 2024 by Chiimi (talk | contribs)
Tumbling Truffle
Tumbling Truffle
Job: Warrior
Family: Funguars
Family 2: [[:Category:{{{family2}}}|{{{family2}}}]]
Family 3: [[:Category:{{{family3}}}|{{{family3}}}]]
Crystal: Dark
Weak against: Light Light
Resistant to: Dark DarkWater Water
Immune to:
Notorious Monster
Spawn Type:
Title Obtained:
Zone Level Drops Steal Spawns Notes
La Theine Plateau 19 - 20 1 A, L, H
500~600 HP
Nyzul Isle
Floors 81 - 99
Unknown (???%)

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{{Drop Rate|total drops|total kills}}

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1 A, L, H
??? HP
A = Aggressive; NA = Non-Aggresive; L = Links; S = Detects by Sight; H = Detects by Sound;
HP = Detects Low HP; M = Detects Magic; Sc = Follows by Scent; T(S) = True-sight; T(H) = True-hearing
JA = Detects job abilities; WS = Detects weaponskills; Z(D) = Asleep in Daytime; Z(N) = Asleep at Nighttime; A(R) = Aggressive to Reive participants
Latheine-plateau NM.png


  • Lottery Spawn from a Poison Funguar located at the southernmost of the 2 ravines at (K-6), accessed by going down the northernmost ravine at (H-7), traveling east then through a tunnel (see map).
    • The Placeholder is the 1st of 3 Poison Funguars on Wide Scan in the same ravine in which the NM spawns.
    • The Poison Funguar's re-spawn time is 5 minutes.
    • The Placeholder will not respawn for 15 minutes after Tumbling Truffle has been defeated. The NM can respawn this single Placeholder (no minimum respawn time).
    • Tumbling Truffle ID: FB
    • Placeholder ID: F8
  • Defeating Tumbling Truffle is required to complete the quest The Miraculous Dale.
  • Soloable at most jobs at level 24. (see testimonials)

Nyzul Isle Investigation

Historical Background

Truffles are fungi of the genus Tuber. They belong to Division Ascomycota (fungi that appear as spheres or sacs; traditional mushrooms belong to Division Basidiomycota). Truffles are highly valued for their taste and as a result are very expensive. Truffles grow in association with trees, usually oaks, beeches, poplars, and hazels. The fruiting body emerges in autumn. Most of the truffles used for food come from Europe or China. A few of the less commonly utilized species reside in the Pacific Northwest of North America. There are two types of truffles: black truffles and white truffles. The chocolate candy truffle is named for its resemblance to the truffle fungi, not for having the truffle as an ingredient.

Tumbling refers to moving in a rolling motion, usually with the implication of moving in an uncontrolled manner. Thus, a tumbling truffle is a truffle that is rolling around (presumably) the hills of La Theine.