
From HorizonXI Wiki
Revision as of 23:51, 26 February 2023 by Mewwgoat (Fandom) (talk | contribs)
Abbreviation THF
Expansion Pack Final Fantasy XI
Quest (N/A)

Job Traits & Abilities

Combat Skills (subject to change)


Skill Rank 37 75
Dagger A+ 114 276
Club E 94 200
Sword D 101 225
Hand to Hand E 94 200
Archery C- 105 220
Marksmanship C+ 105 230
Throwing D 101 210


Skill Rank 37 75
Evasion A+ 114 276
Parrying A- 114 269
Shield F 86 189


Group 1

Name Description
Flee Recast Reduces the cooldown of Flee
Hide Recast Reduces the cooldown of Hide
Sneak Attack Recast Reduces the cooldown of Sneak Attack
Trick Attack Recast Reducees the cooldown of Trick Attack
Triple Attack Rate Increase rate of Triple Attack rate by 1% per merit

Job Specific Equipment

Artifact Armor (subject to change)

Weapon 40 Marauder's Knife (stats)
AF THF.png
Hands 52 Rogue's Armlets Def:15 HP+10 DEX +3 Ice +10

"Steal" +1

Head 54 Rogue's Bonnet Def: 23 HP+13 INT +5 DEX +2

Parrying Skill +10

"Steal" +1

Legs 56 Rogue's Culottes Def:32 HP +15 AGI +4

Shield Skill +10

"Steal" +1

Body 58 Rogue's Vest Def:44 HP+20 STR +3

Accuracy +3 Earth +10

Increases "Hide" Duration

Feet 60 Rogue's Poulaines Def:13 HP+12 DEX +3

Increases "Flee" Duration

"Steal" +2

Relic Armor (subject to change)

Head 71 Assassin's Bonnet (stats)
Relic THF.png
Body 72 Assassin's Vest (stats)
Feet 73 Assassin's Poulaines (stats)
Legs 74 Assassin's Culotte (stats)
Hands 75 Assassin's Armlets (stats)