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San d'Oria Mission 9-2

From HorizonXI Wiki
Revision as of 00:49, 6 July 2024 by Dejey (talk | contribs)
The Heir to the Light
Series San d'Oria Missions
Starting NPC Any San d'Oria Gate Guard
Title San d'Orian Royal Heir
Repeatable No 
HAAP 4 points 
Description The Rites of Succession will be held at the cathedral in Northern San d'Oria. You are to report there for guard duty.
Rank 10
100,000 gil
San d'Orian Flag
Mog Wardrobe: 10 Slots
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Breaking Barriers None


BCNM Fight

  • This is a 2 part BCNM.
  • Open with Elemental Seal+Sleepga II or Horde Lullaby, and start attacking the Ranger mob first. Make sure you silence the Warmachine, as it is a WHM who can Curaga and wake everything up. Defeat the Ranger, followed by the Warmachine, and then take our the rest.
  • Sleep the last mob before killing it, and give yourself a rest. There will be no time after the first part of the fight to rest.

  • Trion will randomly attack a mob, and should be helped. Preferably, the order to kill the NMs is BLM > PLD > DRK. Trion can be cured and can die in the BC. Should he die, you will be ejected from the BC. Despite being a Paladin, he isn't great at keeping himself alive.
  • Keep the other mobs silenced, a Paladin with Invincible is useful here for keeping attention.

Final Cutscenes

  • Head to the Chateau and check the Great Hall for another cutscene.
  • Go back to the Chateau and speak to Halver and you will be awarded with Rank 10, 100,000 gil, and the San d'Orian Flag.