Ix'aern (DRK)

From HorizonXI Wiki
Revision as of 18:25, 9 June 2023 by Dejey (talk | contribs) (removed info that said it could reraise above 20 times.)

Job: Dark Knight
Family: Aern
Weak to:

Notorious Monster

Ix'aern (Dark Knight)







The Garden of Ru'Hmet



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{{Drop Rate|total drops|total kills}}

{{Hxi Drop Rate|asb=#/1000|total drops|total kills}}

ASB rates can be found via Special:ASB Search and has accurate drop rate information for HorizonXI. If a drop rate is listed there as eg. 24% then set "asb=240/1000" etc.

This template is commonly used on mob pages. If you are adding a new mob page, we kindly ask that you use the new HorizonXI template Template:Infobox Monster.

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This template is no longer in use.

Editor: Please replace
{{Drop Rate|total drops|total kills}}

{{Hxi Drop Rate|asb=#/1000|total drops|total kills}}

ASB rates can be found via Special:ASB Search and has accurate drop rate information for HorizonXI. If a drop rate is listed there as eg. 24% then set "asb=240/1000" etc.

This template is commonly used on mob pages. If you are adding a new mob page, we kindly ask that you use the new HorizonXI template Template:Infobox Monster.

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L, Sc

A = Aggressive; NA = Non-Aggresive; L = Links; S = Detects by Sight; H = Detects by Sound;
HP = Detects Low HP; M = Detects Magic; Sc = Follows by Scent; T(S) = True-sight; T(H) = True-hearing
JA = Detects job abilities; WS = Detects weaponskills; Z(D) = Asleep in Daytime; Z(N) = Asleep at Nighttime; A(R) = Aggressive to Reive participants
Pop Locations


  • Popped from a ??? in (F-8), (J-8), (F-10) or (J-10) (see map) on the ground floor of The Garden of Ru'Hmet by "sheer animosity." The ??? moves every 30 minutes, repopping in at most one minute's time after depopping. After depopping, it will repop at one of the four locations at equal chance, including where it depopped.
  • The ??? repops 15 minutes after the Ix'aern is killed.
  • When you check the ???, when no one has animosity, it should say "You sense some unknown presence..."
  • Once you find the ???, kill the local aerns (the 3 that are in the room next to the ???) until one player gets the message "PLAYER is enveloped in sheer animosity!" Only the recipient of the animosity will see the message. The message has the chance to display a few seconds after one of the Aw'aerns is defeated.
  • At this point, when other players check the ??? they get the message "You sense an unknown presence, but it does not seem hostile."
  • The player with animosity must check the ??? within 10 minutes to pop the NM along with two Qn'aern helpers (RNG).
  • The NM will then spawn and attack the player who popped it, but will be passive if the people fighting it die and depop a few minutes later.
  • Ix'aern's hate is reset if the ??? moves after it is ready to pop.
  • The Qn'aern can be easily defeated while the Ix'aern is kited and will not repop.
  • A balanced group of 6~10 level 75 players should have little problem with this battle. Pull the mobs up into one of the corners of the room to ensure that repopped Aw'aern do not link.
  • It has resistance to all Enfeebling Magic and is immune to Stun; however it susceptible to Shadowbind.
  • When it dies, the Qn'aerns die along with it unless previously defeated.
  • Either a Deed of Moderation or a Vice of Avarice drops 100% of the time, but never both. This means that the Ix'aern will Reraise unless an item is dropped.
  • It can reraise a maximum of 20 times per spawn HorizonXI specific changes Version 1.1